Thursday, April 19, 2012

الإضرابات فى جنوب السودان صناعة صهيونية, أى إسرائلية, والأمم المتحدة تطلب من إسرائيل تجهيز قوة شرطة إسرائلية للعمل فى جنوب السودان, ومصر وكل البلاد ال

السودان يعلن
أن الإضرابات فى جنوب السودان صناعة صهيونية, أى إسرائلية, والأمم المتحدة تطلب من
إسرائيل تجهيز قوة شرطة إسرائلية للعمل فى جنوب السودان, ومصر وكل البلاد العربية والإسلامية
يتوق لها نفس المصير مستغلا هوى النفوس والبذاءة والسباب,وفقدان القيم الإسلامية الإنسانية
, نجاح الثورات يقاس بإنتخابات نزيهة وبرلمان منتخب ويتجه مجهود الثوار للبناء
والمتابعة من خلال البرلمان, هذا هو الوضع الطبيعى, أما ما نشهده الآن نرى شخصيات
مصرية تطالب بإستمرار الثورة حتى تسليم السلطة فى موعدها وهم لا يدركون نار الفوضى
المتربصة للثورة ومعنى إستمرار الثورة سحب شرعية مجلس الشعب المنتخب لأن نجاح
الثورة بفضل الله سيكون فتحا مبينا وسيضرب الأجندات الأجنبية فى مقتل ودعما للبلاد
العربية والإسلامية,نجاة سوريا فى مستوى أهمية نجاة مصر, التركيز على ضرب سوريا هو
تمهيد لضرب كل الدول العربية الحل فى إتباع منهج الله " واعتصموا بحبل الله
جميعا ولا تفرقوا", وليس مطلوب محاكاة الأساليب الظالمة المتبعة من قبل
الصهيونية وأوروبا وأمريكا فى إتحادهم وسعيهم لكل ما يخدم مصالحهم, وطوق نجاتنا التمسك
بمنهج الله, ومنا من هم صم بكم عمى لا يفقهون ,
دكتورمهندس/محمد عناية الله
Israel apartheid against
-Basic laws in the state of Israel that allow any Jew to acquire
automatic citizenship while denying such citizenship to millions of Palestinian
refugees (unless they convert to Judaism).
-Israel is the only
country in the world that distinguishes citizenship from nationality. It
considers all Jews, regardless of their citizenship, as “nationals of the state
with certain rights not granted to others. International
law and resolutions are very clear on the issue of Palestinian refugees. United
Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 (December 1948) “Resolves that the
refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their
neighbors should be permitted to do at the earliest practicable date, and that
compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return
and for the loss or damage to property…” This resolutions has been reaffirmed
one hundered and ten times by the UN. The Fourth UN Geneva Conventions (1949)
Article 49 prohibits “individual or mass forcible transfers…regardless of their
motive” and calls for evacuated persons to be “transferred back to their homes
as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.” The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Article 13 states: “(1) Every one has the
right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to
return to his country.”

Imagine waking up to find out your
family was days away from losing the house and being tossed in the street, and
became as refugees in God’s lands. How would you get the money to save them?.
This really happened to Palestinian’s families, when the Zionist Jewish kicked
them out of their homes, and replaced others from all the world instead of
them, these are a real tyranny which supported by developed countries, and will
cause destruction of their economy, and may destroy their civilization, because
this is the action of tyranny along the human history on empires. To
avoid any war in the Middle East, and keep peace of all worlds, you
have to fight Zionist apartheid in Palestine, we have to collect global efforts
to establish: One
Country in Palestine contains, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others, as like
as in USA, no discrimination based on religion, race, color, and as Islamic
Values stated the same. Case of Palestine has to be treated as South Africa
treated before; this is the available solution in this time, with the fair
compensation for the victims of this case.

Please, may you visit my
Blogs, I appreciate your comments:

Dr.Eng. Mohamed

مصحف طال

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